Monday, December 19, 2016

Religious Deterioration

"Gods" are people who guide others when they cannot control themselves; but sometimes, people pretend to be Gods that are not Gods. On example is "Jehovah" of the Jewish Bible. He was a very lustfull man who raped many females. Eventually, he was sent to a remote place to separate him from others by 3 men. After being there for a while, he sent his spirit below the ground. That was the beginning of the Bible of the Jews. He collided with other worlds; and quickly deteriorated into a psychotic criminal. He lied, cheated, corrupted everything and everyone in his path; and stole everyone's spirits, minds and powers. This is where the "Patry" ex KGB defect learned of; and utilized similar programs against humanity.
in the beginning, Jehovah proved he could not follow his own philosophical words. He lied to Adam and Eve; after stripping the minds of innocent people; and placing them into the "Tree of life". That prevented the from retaliating against him from taking over every person he could find that was powerfull. After Satan told Adam and Eve to eat of the tree of the "Fruit of Life", they did. This is what happened:
[1] Jehovah asked them "Wherefore art thou?" which means "Where are you?". They stated they hid themselves from him because they were ashamed of not having clothes.He asked them who  told them they had no clothes. They stated they ate of the tree of life. Previously, he told them they would die if they ate the fruit; but Satan told them the truth. He stated their eyes would be opened to know the difference between good and evil.He asked who old them to eat the fruit. They stated "Satan". Jehovah blatantly contradicted himself in these conversations. He claimed to be all knowing. If he was all knowing, he would have known the answers to the questions; and, utilized indirect deception to make them think he was not all knowing.. If not, he lied about being all knowing.
Secondly, he contradicted his adage "Bear not false witness against others". In fact he stated to Eve that all females will have pain during childbirth for her "Corruption"; which was believing Satan's truth that they would not die. The future females were accused of things that they were not even present to view. He told Adam, the ground as cursed for his sake, The ground never did anything. He told Satan he would punish him by making him crawl on his belly for the rest of his life. That was a lie. Satan was standing when he old Moses to jump off of the cliff later. These were all false accusations.
Even learning knowledge does not indicate a person is good. Sometimes a person may utilize knowledge of good things to use as a weapon against good people.
Religious deterioration began with hypocrites such as Jehovah.

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