Monday, December 19, 2016

Incorrect Ettiquette and Historical Philosophical Deterioration

Normally, most people ignore undesirable reactions from others; but, there is something that may be detrimental to doing that.
For example:
* In this song:
There is one major offense that is clearly objectionable. She sates "I honestly Love you."  in her song. That is sufficient for any reasonably decent person to walk away permanently. If any female told me that, I would walk away; and, hate that person for life. I wold never  associate with that person the rest of my life; if possible. She is sating "I honestly love you" as if to indicate:
[1] She is normally dishonest; but this time she s indicating her honesty
[2] She is implying  am thinking she is lying about her statement; and, requires telling me she is honest so I will not accuse her of dishonesty.  hate being called a liar.
Philosophies and laws regulate the communications between 2 people to allow both to live equally as happily as any other. Her statement cases extreme hate and repulsion.
In most songs worldwide, there is extreme negativity and repulsiveness. The songs sing about hate, war, drunkenness; or sexuality of an abnormal level. There is no philosophical regulation of behaviour or expressions of words.
A perfect society will never remain near any of those situations; but will instead, move far away from them.
Common examples of  Hate that is regarded as "Love" or "Infatuation" are:
[1] "My Best Friends Girl": I this son, his best friend is now going out with his ex girlfriend:
That is extremely rude and disrespectfull.
[2] "Jessie's Girl": In this song, the singer desires his best friend's girlfriend to be his own girlfriend:
That is excessively hatefull and rude.
[3] " When you're in love with a Beautifull Woman": In this song, every male is to closely watch their lover; otherwise someone may take her away from them:
That s hatefull and disrespecfull. I fact, no friend would do that.
Most songs from the early days to present day were created from very criminal people.
The reason for this is:
[1] All but, 3 people in the early 1900's Jazz players were heroine addicts.
[2] Groups such as Donovan and the Beattles were drug addicts. The Beattles went to a mountain to receive teachings from a "Philosopher". Instead, they were aught the "miracles" of LSD. The "philosopher was a LSD addict. After the "teachings", they came back to society and wrote the song "Yellow Submarine" about a company that builds yellow 2 and more an capacity submarines. Very soon after that, Donovan went to the same person. He came back with "miraculous" philosophies also created from an LSD  disoriented mind. The Beattles were caught many times worldwide carrying drugs on jet airliners with them . They were almost banned worldwide from every country.
[3] Musicians such as Elvis Presley were extreme drug addicts. Elvis had a personal physician that prescribed drugs of numerous types for his "requirements". When private investigators found that out, they met Elvis with newscasters, and questioned the incident. The physician was told not to prescribe any more drugs to Elvis. He agreed; but, Elvis said "If you quit prescribing my drugs, I will buy my own pharmacy.". The doctor continued with the prescriptions.
Many others were sending mutanted messages worldwide in their songs. Many were alcoholic, drug addicts; or, both. They; obviously, could not teach children or other people the correct way of life.
All of these; in addition to corrupt societies, caused a disintegration of philosophical influence on the public. The environments terminated the true philosophical elements of humankind; until there was no memory of philosophy. The societies continued to deteriorate. Philosophy is a mystery to lost of humanity.It is for that reason I decided to write about the lost etiquette of humanity.

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