Sunday, May 29, 2016

Definition of Good and Bad

To correctly define Good and Bad, a specific person is to be selected. Each person has Characteristics tat may be good or bad; if adopted. The definition of good and bad is: Good is anything within moderation that is healthy, provokes happiness, and is beneficial to a person. Bad is anything that is potentially fatal, causes injury, or terminates happiness. Examples may be: [1] Rape. Rape is bad if injury occurs; or is forcible in a repulsive manner. It may be good if used for breaking a wife's virginity if she is too nervous to consent to anything but force. [2] Music. Music is good if enjoyed in a pleasant manner; but bad if a person faints during a concert from "Falling in love". If kept within moderation, anything may be good or bad.In some exceptions, excessivity may be beneficial or destructive also.

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