Monday, June 15, 2020

Pedophlia and Homosexuality

Recently, I noticed there are many people who try to have rights to be a free lifestyle sexual predator. Many are "pedophiles". The term "pedophile" is incorrectly utilized. Specifically, Pedophilia means:

  1. Lover of a child boy
  2. Lover of gravel
  3. Lover of a foot
In this article, I will utilize the commonly defined version meaning "Child Lover".
Most sexually deviant people are:
  1. Not in control of their sexuality
  2. Cannot find anyone who desires them; and, targets children; who are defenseless, for their sexuality
Children are protected by hundreds of laws that prevent the abuse of them.
Let us look at the status of a child:

  1. Firstly, children are NOT allowed to make decisions. The parents only allow specific decisions to be made. Even at the age of 17, a boy/ girl cannot make decisions that are not permissible by the parents. That is the law.
  2. Children never desire sex. If you look at children at a park, you see them having fun playing. You NEVER see them attempting to have sex with each other.
  3. Children NEVER desire sex.
  4. Children do not understand sex. Even if taught, they do not desire sex.
  5. Children desire love; and, NOT romance. When watching children anywhere, they never become romantic to ANYONE.
  6. Accordingly to the book "Merck Manual of Diagnostics", pedophilia is referred as a "Psychological Disorder". I term it as a "Psychotic Sexual Deviation".
  7. Many people have determined it is best to wait until the age of 18 to have sex. I disagree. I think they should wait until 48 years of age.
The youngest child to ever have a baby was 3 years of age, She became pregnant at the age of 2. She went to a railroad yard where bums molested her. I knew of 3 children who were taken to a ship yard; and, prostituted to men. They said they hated it. I was very young. The oldest of them was about 12.
Pedophiles simply cannot control their sexuality; and consequentially, blame children for it. They target children because they are easier to molest. A pedophile is a child molestor and rapist.
Regarding homosexuals. Sodomy is a felony in the United States.