Monday, March 16, 2020

Census Laws

the census bureau states it is non lawfull to refuse to fill out the census form. In fact, it is illegal for the Census bureau to force anyone to fill in a form accordingly to:
[1] Duress: the threat to place a fine on the person
[2] coercion: threatening to fine those who do not fill out the form
[3] Violation of the Right to privacy law
And, other laws.
The census bureau is NOT a Justice System form of government. They cannot ask any questions regarding anything. They cannot investigate anyone for any reason without proper due processing of law, a warrant to gain information; and, a reason to investigate a person for criminal activity.
The function of the Census Bureau is to count people. Nothing else. It is not necessary for any Justice system government. It is not legal to gain any information to just count people. That is Invasion of Privacy to attempt to accrue information regarding anything..

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Philosophies Throughout the Generations

In the past, philosophies were created to prevent offenses against others; and, to permit people to live happily with each other.
In the past, anyone who deviated from normalcy was considered a mutant; and, punished severely; or, killed.
In the Jewish Bible, If a child had any blemish such as a birth mark, the child was decapitated; or, burned to the death in fire.
In my younger days, there were similar philosophies. These philosophies relied heavily on the Jewish Bible; and, involved severe penalties for any offense.
Firstly, I was born 3 months 13 days after Albert Einstein past away. In those days, witch burnings were still actively performed.
NOTE: If anyone was banned from a neighborhood, they were banned nationally. Noone could go to another city; and, stay there or get a job there. When I was young, my father was an electrician. They were the only people; other than welders who could go nationwide; and get a job due to l the jobs be available intermittently; and, not continuously. When my father was bringing my family to a job, we turned into a neighborhood from the highway. A police officer stopped us; and asked why we were in that neighborhood. My farther said he turned down the wrong road. The Police officer asked why he was near the neighborhood. My father said he was going to a job as an electrician. The Police officer asked why the people who lived there could not get the job. My father explained the workers needed training; and a certification. The Police Officer told my father to get back on the highway, do not get off of it; and, do not stop until we get into the next city; or, he would place all of us in jail. Anyone who was in any place they were not a permanent resident in was banned; automatically, as a reject.
Here are some of the philosophies that were mandatory when I grew up:

  1. Never call anyone by the name "Baby". It is extremely rude to call anyone by that name due to the fact it is offensive by being called an infantile.
  2. Never call anyone ":Sweetheart". That name is extremely offensive because it is cannabalistic; and, completely 
  3. Never visit anyone at their home. Everyone's home is their own private area. Anyone; including family, would have to set up a place to visit anyone else.
  4. Long Tongued people are to be banned from the neighborhood. They; usually went into a freak show at a circus; or, to the country.
  5. Boys and girls are to never to play with each other. If caught, the girl; and her parents; and sometimes, the boy and his parents are banned from the neighborhood.
  6. Never call a child by the name "Kid". It is derogatoric; and, very cruel to a child.The term "Kid" was used in the 1700s and upwardsly. It was a representation of a bestial comparison. The child cries with a similar sound to a goat. To call a child a "Kid" means to call the child a goat.                                     This is a baby crying:                                                                        This is a goat crying:
  7. When a mother hates her child, she calls the child a "Kid". Children are never to cry accordingly to tradition. If they do, it shows lack of care from the parents.
  8. Never turn your back on anyone. If anyone turns their back to anyone, it means they reject that person. The victim will hate that person for life. When the neighbors find out about it, they will ask for the reason the person was rejected. If a good reason is presented, the victim will be banned from the neighborhood. If not, the person who turned his/her back will be banned.
  9. Never mention the term "Toilet Paper". Even writing this is excessively humiliating. The term is excessively offensive. What it is utilized for is considered never to be thought about. It could cause a lifetime mental destruction. When a person shopped for it, she would look around to ensure nobody is watching, go to the aisle it is located, look to make sure noone is in the aisle; then run, grab, the Toilet paper, bury it under other items; then proceed to the counter. The shopper will wait until noone is near the counter; then, place the toilet paper on the counter. The checker reacts as if he was being robbed with a gun. He would check it out; then; quickly, place it in a bag. He would; usually, not last long as a checker due to that. His experience causes an extensive mental damage. When shopping; if the shopper does not know which aisle the paper is located, she will whisper the question. Here is an example:                                                                                                                                   
  10. In ancient times, people were not even allowed to leave footprints in sand at beaches.
  11. After it was passed where people could visit family and friends to there home, visitors could not:
  • Use the lavatory: that is an indication the person has ill organs. It is a severe penalty to be in society ill, mourning; or, sad.
  • Go into; or see, a bedroom: Even mentioning the name is excessively offensive; and, corrupt. The room is only utilized as a place where the inhabitant of the house removes clothing [Very offensive to even think of that]; and, sleeps.
  • Hallways, bedrooms; and, bathrooms doors are closed at all times.
  1. Eating in front of others is excessively humiliating. Usually, eating is limited to private space areas such as a bedroom.
  2. Offenses of any kind is a very serious offense. Noone is allowed to offend anyone for any reason.
Other Philosophies include:
  1. Noone is allowed to wear offensive clothing in public
  2. Noone is allowed to go barefoot in a home.
  3. Noone is allowed to be loud.
  4. Noone is allowed to talk about offensive things; or, to spread gossip.
  5. Children are not allowed to speak in front of adults; unless, asked to.
  6. Females; including adults, are not allowed to speak unless asked to.
  7. Noone was allowed to have any books; except school books.
Of course, Martial Artists had extremely more Strict philosophies. I was taught by a very old Monk who was much stricter. These philosophies are just basic living laws. There are more strict philosophies along with these.
Punishments to children ranged from a bullwhip to boards with nails [Usually in schools].                                                                                   
To be continued later.