Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Philosophies of the Dau Djau

For ALL invited to learn from me, you will learn a very special phase of life. Many things will become perceivable; and very clear, regarding hazards of societies; as well as the beautifull things in society.
In this teaching, you will learn of a more intense greater love and bliss. You will learn of pure love that is not conqerable.

:et us begin:
* Be very aware of your surroundings such as sounds, hazards, people, structures; and all other visible things.
* Feel your surroundings electromagnetic fields. You will learn exercises later on how to do that.
* Be aware of how very fortunate you are to not live in the wilderness cold. think of how the people there live. They do not need the heating you need. Their thyroid keeps them warm.When living in a house,artificial heat keeps you warm. You are farther away from the natural life.
* Remember only good things in life. Do not remember negative things. Good memories produce life, health; and good energy while negative things provoke illness and deterioration of strength.
* Become extremely powerfull in life energy by intensifying your chi.
* Your thoughts regulate where your energies go. Always strive to be around greater people than yourself. That way, you learn much more. Ask questions.
* Forget many things you were taught that limit your capabilities. Experiments lowly; and carefully, what your limits are; then, develope them to be more powerfull.
Here are some things to consider:
* Russian females in the country are very powerfull. This is a 350-400 pound [158-181 kg] log:
See the source image

These are lumberjills carrying logs:
See the source image

These are Marines:
See the source image

Females carrying a log:
See the source image

Female Carrying over 250 Pounds of rocks:
See the source image

Girl Carrying a rock:
See the source image

Females Picking up Rocks:
See the source image