Saturday, September 17, 2016

Basic Data on How the Mind Functions

The mind utilizes many methods of functionalizations from stimuli:
[1] The brain waves are created from volatilic amino acid reactions; and, other biochemical reactions. The reactions produce electromagnetic energies.
[2] During traumatic experiences, the brain produces huge quantities of energies. The events cause the mind to become deactuated [Blank]. After the event, the event is recorded; in high energy, within the brain. During life, a "flashback [recollection of events by hyperenergization of a memory], is induced. The energy levels of the memory are applicable. The memory is hyperenergized accordingly to the actual storage event. To terminate the memory, it is mandatoric to lessen the energy when remembering the event.That will lessen the traumatic effects. If the memory is deleted. it also causes a termination from effects.
[3] The brain is connected to the entire body by neurotransmitters [nerves]. The neurotransmitters display the effects of any stimuli to the body. The mind reacts accordingly to the impulse waveforms. Pain produces triangle waveforms;while pleasures produce sine waveforms.
[4] The brain detects poisons in the body; and, is effected by them. Drugs, poisons. biotoxins, viruses; and other toxins, cause brainwave deviations that terminate normal functions of the brain. The brainwaves are abnormal; or, insane. The person reacts insanely to external stimuli; such as being irrationally angered at those who try to assist him/her during illness or other toxification. The brain waves are effected negatively if biochemical imbalances such as serotonin are effectuating the thought processes.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Psychology of Beauty and Ugly

When something or someone i viewed; and their brainwaves produce pleasant effects, that person or object is determined to be beautifull; but, if the brainwaves respond in an unpleasant feeling, the object or person is determined to be ugly.
As an example, a beautiful dog is playing in a stream; then, goes on land and shakes the water of of him/her. The situation is determined to be beautifull due to the pleasant experience that is effectuated.
A family is sitting at a table at home eating dinner. It is a pleasant view; and, very beautifull.
If you combine the two, it becomes very ugly. The family is eating dinner at a table. That is beautifull. The dog shakes off the water from his/her body. That is beautifull; but, if the dog shakes off the water from its body on the table the family is eating at, it becomes very ugly.
The beliefs, philosophies; and knowledges determine if the brainwaves will be affected in  pleasant manner or a nonpleasant manner.
It does not matter if a person or thing is beautifull. Beauty; or the lack of it, s determined by brainwave responses.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Cyberbully Psychology and Defense

There are many forms of "Haters": [1] Those who extremely lack self confidence; and retaliate through envy and jealousy [2] Those who are sadistic and self elevating; as well as thinking they are greater than others. [3] Those who are criminal; and, hate everyone excepting themselves. And many others. The haters usually psychologically criticize others for their own faults; bur, others create hate from sadistic aggression. Since many people make themselves appear worse than they attempt to make their target appear, it is not of any value what they convey. The best defense is just to say "You do not know me. You know nothing about me. Keep your comments to yourself.". Another thing to say is "That is what you think; Not what I think.".

Criminal Psychology of a Murderer

As an example: The Jodi Arias case on murder concluded she killed Travis Alexander. She was criticized for her memory lossage; as well as other things.
These are the psychological elements that would have been present if she were guilty:
[1] Stimuli: Something would have caused Jodi to commit a barbarous crime . She would not do that just to perform a crime. Here are some stimuli:
   [1] Abuse: Extreme abuse without escape causes;
      [1] A very inefficient methodology of naivity and negligence; as well as ignorance.
      [2] A being pressured into undesirable actions that cause extreme resistivity; and, retaliation.
      [3] A methodology to utilize extreme methods to terminate a great threat to herself.
   [2] Entrapment that is inescapable
   [3] Excessive misery caused by  entrapment and abuse.
In many cases, she would not have remembered some things due to not wanting to remember excessively traumatic situations. That is a natural defense to prevent further misery.