Thursday, May 9, 2013

Child Slavery Occupations Exposed

Childrwen are attacked in many areas: [1] In the public, [2] At home,[ At Relatives homes. Usually, parents or a parent will send the child to a local library or other place consideed safe. The adult is sometimes attacked by a barrage of knowledges tue or false that concerns the parent. Many techniques are used to separate the parents from their children. Propaganda of sexually active children, threats the parent[s] may go to prison, false testimonies of children, children being convinced they are being abuse, opposite gender or similar gender children being used to take the children away from the parents; as well as other techniques. The techniques arwe designed to separate the association, trust, and confidentiaklity between parent and child; then, to redefine beliefs into a specific function to cause the children and parent[s] to attack or blame each other for something. The children are retrained into leaving with the attackers. The attackers sometimes use the children as bait for further attacks and removal from society. On a large scale basis, attacks are numerous and involve friends, relatives, enemies, bullying, and other methods.Many organized crime groups are in archive performing their operations.

Illegal Data Accrual

In response to the Freedom of Information Act Title 552 Chapter 32, the G.S.A. has determined that even though it is the right of he public to accrue certain data, it is illegal to accrue speific data regarding the destruction of property, or the killing of people by techniques considered militaric operations. NBC warfare techniques are an example of data that has no potential usefullness in society. The construction of the weapons will remain Classified "Top Secret". Any person who desires to accrue that data must register with the government and provide a good explanation for the data accrual. Any person possessing the data may be prosecuted up to immediate death for the data.The charges will be "Potential International Security Threat Level 5T". If theata reaches the hands of enemies, it becomes extremely hazardous to the life and health of the public.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Diseased People Restricted from having Children

In the near future, any diseased person who has ANY noncurable disease will be restricted from having children. If children are produced, severe prosecutions will result. Fotr example, if a person has Cystic Fibrosis, and the person reproduces, the disease is spread to the child. That results in a child who will suffer in the future with a the misery of tyhe disease. That is now classiofied as 'Biological Warfare" by creating a child with a noncurable disease. Genetics Warfare charges will also apply.Children are not to be produced that would have;or potentially have, a noncurable illness, disease, genetics malstructuration or other condition that will cause suffering, pain, misery or othher undesirable affliction.

The Spreading of Contagious Noncurable Diseases Illegalized

Punishment by up to death will be imposed on ANY person who spreads Noncurable diseases such as A.I.D.S. or other disease. Since it is verifiable the diseases could result in premature deasth of the person infected; the charge will be attempted murder; or murder if the victim dies while the contagious person is in prison.The military prosecution under military law is "Biological Warfare" of the spreading of contagious deadly microorganisms.

Sewerage Processing Plant Laws

In the near future, sewrage processing plants will be closed. The wastes are exposed to open air, chemicals added, and the remaining waste dumped into oceans. The new plants; as developed by the G.S.A./G.N.A., will consist of extremely high temperature [1800*F] tanks to disintegrate the waste; as well as all microorganisms. The pesent tanks could be used for microorganism growth for biological warfare.